E3 | Building an Unexpected Future | Steve Trindad — JumbleThink

E3 | Building an Unexpected Future | Steve Trindad

Episode Takeaways

1) Sometimes the best things in life are unplanned.  In the episode we learn from Steve that Urban Workshop was unplanned but birthed out of need. 

2) The best ideas fill a need.  Urban Workshop fills the need for a builders space in Orange County.

3) Learning doesn't have to look like a College or University.  There are several means to learn the skills to reach your goals or dreams.

About Steve & Urban Workshop

Steve Trindade is the Founder and CEO of Urban Workshop.  Steve's past endeavors have included President and CEO of Automotive Technology Group Inc., Owner / COO / CFO / Technical Director of Socii Racing LLC DBA Truspeed Autosport and numerous other engineering positions.

Founded Urban Workshop from scratch and in less than 10 months turned it into the 3rd largest DIY workshop and makerspace in North America with over $1m worth of tools and equipment and offering over 100 classes a month. Responsible for developing all aspects of the business to enable the opening of 10 location in 7 years including the implementation and roll out of cloud based accounting and membership management software, online equipment reservation systems, online membership registration, and online class registrations. Creating strategic partnerships with leading international technology suppliers to enhance member experience and promote partner products. Partners include Autodesk, Epilog, Haas, Industrial Metal Supply, Laguna Tool, Miller Welding, Solidworks, and more. Continuously creating relationships with local non-profits to support STEM and STEAM programs for kids thru the use of the Urban Workshop facilities.

Website: http://www.urbanworkshop.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheUrbanWorkshop
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_urbanworkshop