E13 | Embracing Bias and Dreaming Big | Michael Woodward — JumbleThink

E13 | Embracing Bias and Dreaming Big | Michael Woodward

In this episode I breakaway from our normal interview style and share some of my thoughts about being a dreamer, worldview, taking risk, passion, and the origins of jumbleThink.  I also share some resources that I love and recommend.  Here are some of the resources I share in the episode with links when clicked.

About Michael Woodward

Michael is the founder and CEO of jumbleThink.  He is also the CEO of Woodward Design Group.  He and his team have built over 400 website for small businesses to large customer portals for Fortune  100 corporations.  He has also consulted with hundreds of businesses through the Small Business Development Council in Butte County,  Ca (http://www.buttecollegesbdc.com) along with teaching courses on web design / development and marketing strategies.  His passion is to help individuals and businesses make their dreams attainable through creative thinking / idea formation and strategy.

He is married to the beautiful Jennifer and has an amazing daughter Lucy.  They are expecting their second baby in February.

Website: https://www.woodwarddesigngroup.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/woodward.mike
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mlwoodward
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mlwoodward07/