Rethinking how we teach with Dr. Aaron Smith — JumbleThink

Rethinking how we teach with Dr. Aaron Smith


Over the last few months, many of us have had to solve the question 'How do we school our children when schools are shut down?' This leads us to a deeper question of what education should look like for a new generation of technology-savvy children. But the questions about education do not stop there. What should school look like to train for a quickly evolving workplace? Is a traditional classroom the best place to learn?

In today's episode, we sat down with Dr. Aaron Smith to discuss new and innovative ways to teach and learn. Programs like S.T.E.M and S.T.E.A.M. Aaron also shares how it's time for all of us to take responsibility for reinventing education asking the question 'What if you were given a blank check to create a new model of learning?'

Links to Dr. Smith

Recommended Reading
The Martian by Andy Weir

About Dr. Smith
There is a lot you may not know about Aaron. Today, Aaron Smith enjoys active leadership of one of Virginia’s most visible and awarded STEM schools. He leads Newport News, Virginia’s Denbigh High School Aviation Academy, with classrooms and laboratories at the Newport News Williamsburg International Airport, a school with affiliations to major business and industry throughout the region. The magnet STEM school has received national recognition from hosting a live downlink with the astronauts on board the International Space Station to becoming a PRIME (Partnership Response In Manufacturing Education) School by the Society of Manufactured Engineers Education Foundation. Students can learn to fly, learn aircraft maintenance, airport management, air traffic control, and other aviation electives. Aaron has also written two books about STEM.