Incubators for Innovation with Chris Vance


Sometimes the best ideas don't come from what you know, but what you don't know. Creating a safe place to innovate and cultivate ideas is critical to the process of creating. In today's episode, Chris Vance shares the story of Playground Sessions. Prior to starting Playground Sessions, Chris didn't know how to play the piano. Instead, he used himself as a test case to see if the platform could effectively be used to learn the art of music. Then he pitched music great Quincy Jones to come and partner with them. Knowing all the answers isn't always the solution but many times it is what holds us back from starting or moving forward.

In the conversation today Chris shares about his career ranging from being Brand Manager for Proctor & Gamble to working in finance for Goldman Sachs and Arthur Andersen and then becoming the Managing Director for ZAG, a brand invention company as well as being a Brand Inventor for Qui Tequila. It was at Zag that Playground Sessions was born. Throughout the conversation we chat about brand management and building, finding and building opportunities, picking good ideas, the world of startups, and creating a workplace for innovation.

Playground Sessions
You Raise Me Up Video

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