E86 | Having the Courageous Voice | Dave Cornell — JumbleThink

E86 | Having the Courageous Voice | Dave Cornell

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On today's episode we chat with Dave Cornell.  Dave shares his journey of overcoming fear and finding fulfillment.  His story is filled with loss, hidden passions, and discovery.  Dave shares how you can find your own voice by crafting a life of courage.  Ultimately your passions and gifts don't go away, you just need the courage to step into them.

From playing basketball internationally, to corporate America, to the unemployment lines, Dave brings a message that no one wants to talk about, yet everyone wants to hear. He brings a fresh, bold message of hope and inspiration in the face of something we all share— FEAR—and something we all hope we have—COURAGE! He has over thirty years experience in sales, sales management, and training and development. He is certified as a DISC Behavioral Assessment Trainer and Facilitator and a Personal Development and Leadership Coach. Dave serves as the senior trainer and coach for The Trust Edge Leadership Institute led by David Horsager, author of The Trust Edge. Let Dave Cornell help you take your team to the next level!

Website: http://cultivatecourage.com/