E40 | Micro Goals for Big Dreams | Awilda Rivera — JumbleThink

E40 | Micro Goals for Big Dreams | Awilda Rivera

Awilda Rivera didn't always plan to be doing what she is doing today.  Her journey started by pursing attending Law School and getting her law degree.  In her late 20s she had experienced a reawakening that opened her eyes to the startling reality that people all around her (herself included) were yearning for something more.  This was a truth that resonated with her so deeply that she could not turn away from it.  Today she has created three unique offerings for her clients including Success Coaching, Yoga Instructions, and Spiritual Advisement.  She is feeling more fulfilled and living in her purpose than ever before

Topics covered in this episode: Success coaching, Personal Development, Sustainable Financial Growth, Business & Personal Balance, Accountability, Mentoring, and so much more.

She is offering a 10% discount for our listeners.  Simply mention jumbleThink when you meet with Awilda for your consultation!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ms.awildarivera/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AwildaRiveraCoachYogiSpiritualAdvisor/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/awilda-n-rivera-95b666116/

About Awilda Rivera

Awilda's life's work is about helping & empowering others. At a young age she understood the importance of giving back and being a resource to those in need. As an adult, her mission is to provide others with the tools & support they need to experience the Success they desire NOW.

As a Certified Success Coach, she can help you identify, strategize and execute a plan to achieve the success YOU desire. Her process operates on the fundamental premise that targeted Professional and Personal Development can lead to Sustainable Financial Growth as long as one maintains Personal balance. Visit the Method & Process Page to learn more about how Success Coaching works.

Along with being a success coach, Awilda also specializes in Yoga and Spiritual Advisement for her clients.

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