Bootstrapping Your Startup with Sam & Charles Ryan — JumbleThink

Bootstrapping Your Startup with Sam & Charles Ryan


What does it take to build a business startup with a Bootstrap philosophy and succeed in launching your idea? Brother's Sam and Charles Ryan did just that while building their business Flocksy. What is bootstrapping your business? It is the act of starting a business with no money or very little money. That means no money from VC or Angel Funds, no outside investments, and building the business as you grow the business. Sam and Charles were able to build Flocksy by staying lean even in quick growth.

In the episode we also discuss: running a business with family, dealing with fast growth, building a broad portfolio, what it really means to be an entrepreneur, the world of startups, evolving your dreams and ideas, standing out against your competition, and collaborating with your customers.

Sam is an entrepreneur with a strong technical background and a bachelors degree in web development. He is a co-founder and CEO of Flocksy. His personal mantra includes a firm belief in the power of teamwork, the wisdom of taking risks, and that there’s nothing better than bacon. Sam has been a part of the launch of several companies, including Hatchwise, where he is the CTO and all around guru.

Launched in 2016, Flocksy is a website maintenance and graphic design company specializing in supplying support and graphic design work to small businesses. Their headquarters are located in New London, CT, and their project managers and designers are located all over the globe.

The company was founded by 3 brothers, Sam Ryan who brings a strong technical background and web development skills, George Ryan who is a seasoned entrepreneur and an experienced designer, and Charles Ryan who is a business graduate in marketing and management.

They have assembled a team of project managers and graphic designers who work remotely.

Flocksy provides website support and graphic design work, with their target customers being primarily startups and small companies who cannot afford or justify employing a full-time designer.


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