Entrepreneurial Financial Freedom | Grant Sabatier — JumbleThink

Entrepreneurial Financial Freedom | Grant Sabatier

It seams like most of us are struggling to live financial free every day. This is especially true from entrepreneurs. Grant Sabatier lived the life of scrapping by and decided it was time for a change. Through entrepreneurship, side hustling and investing Grant was able to go from broke to financial freedom.

In today's episode Grant shares on:

  • How to look at money

  • Redefining success

  • Making learning easy through curiosity

  • Finding creative business opportunities

  • Meaning & Mindfulness to Money

  • Burnout

  • Using failure to drive success

  • Moving past ‘trading time for money’

  • Measuring your net worth

  • Generalist vs Niche

  • A passion to teach others

Grant’s Recommended Reading
Blue Ocean Strategy

Grant Sabatier is the creator of Millennial Money and author of Financial Freedom: A Proven Path to All the Money You Will Ever Need.

Dubbed "The Millennial Millionaire" by CNBC, Grant Sabatier went from $2.26 to $1 million in 5 years through entrepreneurship, side hustling and investing. After reaching financial independence at the age of 30, Grant Founded MillennialMoney.com, where he writes about making and investing money and co-hosts the Millennial Money Minutes podcast. Since launching in 2015, Grant has reached over 10 million readers and listeners through his blog and podcast.

Grant has been featured in over 200 international media outlets including The New York Times, The Washington Post, National Public Radio, ABC Nightline, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Inc. Magazine, Forbes, The Sydney Morning Herald, and many others.

Interview Segments - This is where you can find each section of the interview.
An Intro to Grant: 1:00 minute
Going Deeper into the Topics: 26:49 minutes
Rapid Fire Questions: 54:21 minutes

Website:  https://millennialmoney.com/
Twitter: @millennialmoney
Book: https://financialfreedombook.com/
LinkedIn: @gsabatier