The Entrepreneurial Continuum with Jane Deuber — JumbleThink

The Entrepreneurial Continuum with Jane Deuber


Building a lifestyle of entrepreneurship can be hard. It can even be harder when you are building it with your spouse. In today's episode Jane Deuber shares how they were able to build six successful businesses together while thriving both as a business partners and as a family. Along the way they have learned how to master sales, teach and mentor Thought Leaders, use date and quizzes to gain valuable insights, and learned how to accelerate growth and alleviate suffering by 'Doing the right things at the right time.'

'Business Awareness can't happen without self awareness.' - Jane Deuber

Recommended Reading: How to stop feeling like Sh*t.

Today's episode is sponsored by Mighty Travels, Flocksy, and

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More about Jane Deuber
Jane Deuber's entrepreneurial journey began in 1987, when Mario (her husband of 30 years) used the $5000 we had saved for their wedding for seed money in their first business. Together they took that business to the multi-million dollar mark and sold it in 2000. It still thrives today.

But she was hooked… the entrepreneurial lifestyle suited her and so over the next 15 years they would go on to start and grow 6 successful businesses together.

While her credentials include a Masters in International Business Administration, it is in-the-trenches experience, not the classroom, where she gained the insight, intuition and expertise that enables her to support others on their quest for entrepreneurial bliss.

A Game-Changing Experience
In 2005, the trajectory of their life and business changed when her husband and his business partner, Nickolai, created an e-learning platform for her to deliver a leadership course to association clients scattered all over the world. It was her first taste of empowering clients from a distance and she loved it. Since then their course design and delivery service has earned a reputation for being the Mercedes of the eLearning world. With an emphasis on stellar curriculum design and a powerful user experience, they now help entrepreneurs around the world turn their expert knowledge into programs that impact lasting change and bring a consistent flow of revenues into their business.

How Jane Sees Business Now
Today, Jane sees life and business through new eyes. Each new client they take on, each course they help design and help take to the world represents a sacred partnership. Through their clients they fulfill their mission of “exponential empowerment” which says means when we empower one – they empower millions through the meaningful work they do.

Cool Things Jane Has Done

  • Received her BA in East Asian Studies and studied Mandarin Chinese for four years

  • Spent her junior year in college attending school at the Palais Kinsky in Vienna, Austria

  • Held a toga party with 10 friends at the Parthenon in Athens Greece

  • Lived in Taiwan, Japan and traveled to more than 24 countries

  • Authored two best-selling books that have been translated into six languages

  • Helped thousands of entrepreneurs turn their passions into higher business profits

  • Took two businesses to the multi-million dollar mark and beyond

  • Co-Founded an international association for home-based entrepreneurs

  • Launched a new business for a graduate school friend in just 6 months

  • Broke a 6 year standing sales record on the #1 Canadian TV shopping channel

  • Remained blissfully married to her soul mate, Mario, for over 30 years

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