E82 | Finding Your True Genius | Jeremy Adams — JumbleThink

E82 | Finding Your True Genius | Jeremy Adams


On today's episode we chat with Jeremy Adams about his entrepreneurial journey.  He has started several successful businesses and is currently partnering with a few other entrepreneurs to start a new digital marketing company called Unicorn Innovations.

On the episode Jeremy shares how he started his journey into the business world at a very young age.  One of his keys to success is building incredible teams of experts.  Other topics discussed are finding true success, how to build a network of influencers, the importance of giving, what he learned from hospitality, and taking the risk to chasing your dreams.

Being one of Influencive.com's Top 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30, Jeremy C. Adams is not timid to climb the ladder of ultimate success.  Jeremy got into the food industry waiting tables and had $30,000 saved up by age 20.  Armed with an impressive background in finance, sales, and hospitality.  At 22 years old, Jeremy went on to become founder of Prestige Food Trucks, along with launching many other successful businesses.

Within a week of quitting and moving to Orlando, he got an internship at an investment firm.  Then started Prestige Food Truck and in the first year did over $1 million dollars.  On track to do $10 million this year.  

Jeremy has done business with Kevin Harrington, a past investor from Shark Tank.  Jeremy's current business is a high digital marketing firm called Unicorn Innovations.

website: unicorninnovations.com