Finding the Right Publisher with Jesse Krieger — JumbleThink

Finding the Right Publisher with Jesse Krieger


There are many ways to publish your book. For many authors, they put the time into writing their book and quickly push the button to self publish without knowing what to do next. They miss the critical steps of tuning their concept, having an editor address any issues in the book, and releasing the book so that it reaches the perfect audience.

In today's episode, we explore why working with a publisher might be the best way to get your book and it's release perfected. Our guest has not only written books he has also published over 100 books for others through his publishing company 'Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press.' He has taught countless authors on how to write timeless books. He also believes so much in the power of publishing that he launched 'Publishizer' which is the crowdfunded publishing platform for authors. It's time to stop thinking about writing and start writing the book of your dreams.

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Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press

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About Jesse Krieger
Jesse is an American entrepreneur, speaker, and best selling author. He is best known as the founder of US-based book publishing company, Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press. In August 2012, Kanyin Publications released Lifestyle Entrepreneur: Live Your Dreams, Ignite Your Passions and Run Your Business From Anywhere in The World. The book went on to hit #2 business best-seller in the largest book chain in Malaysia, Popular Books. With a reputation as a best seller in Asia, Morgan James Publishing picked up Lifestyle Entrepreneur for U.S. release and it subsequently hit #1 Personal Success book on Amazon in 2014. From this experience, Krieger founded Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press, a book-publishing company based out of Las Vegas, Nevada.

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