Creating great content is hard to do no matter if your medium is blogging, podcasting, vlogging, or some other outlet. So how do you create great content time and time again. You know, the content that your audience loves and keeps coming back to you for more? In today's show we chat with Jonathan Gill founder and CEO of Backtracks. We chat about how to create that killer content, building a great podcast, growing and connecting with your audience, monetizing you content, and much more.
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About Jonathan Gill
A kid teaches himself how to program computers to analyze audio and make a music portal. That kid goes on to start a record label (votes in the Grammy Awards), goes to business school... then becomes a Technical Architect at a semiconductor company, is a co-inventor on a database security patent, only to return to audio to fix problems in podcasting as an adult. Backtracks takes a long view of understanding the historical progression of advertising and measurement and applies that to podcasting and spoken word audio. All the lesson of Jonathan's past and entire industries are applied to Backtracks. At an early age, he knew his business is culture. Almost everything he has done professionally has a thread of expressing culture and communication through the combination of audio, advertising, analytics, and software.