E42 | The Pyramid of Connection | Kamila Gornia

Kamila Gornia is the "Blow Up, Scale Up" Marketing Strategist who helps entrepreneurs blow up and scale up their businesses to become true leaders online. By teaching her clients and community how to leverage their own natural personalities into strategic marketing campaigns that are both profitable AND fun, Kamila is proving over and over again that if you can dream it, you CAN really achieve it!

In this episode Kamila shares her insight into the the world of digital marketing.  Her Pyramid of Connection is a powerful tool any influencer or business can use to better impact their audience.  We also discuss the power of having a personal manifesto and staying true to your values. This episode has something for every stage of chasing your dream or big idea.  

Topics covered in this episode: Digital Marketing, Influence, Thought Leadership, Overcoming Fear, Community, Masterminds, and so much more.

Website: http://www.kamilagornia.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kgornia/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kgornia/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kamilagornia/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kamilagornia

About Kamila Gornia

As a child, Kamila spent most of the time drawing. She drew inspiration (no pun intended, haha) from Japanese manga ever since she was very young despite being pretty much the only kid who liked it in her small town in Poland. She found beauty and inspiration in it, and she loved how it awakened her creativity and interest in storytelling. Kamila was a “creative idea-generating machine” and she drew many comic books, tried writing some books and even wrote several songs.

Then in 2001, She got her first computer AND dial up internet - BOOM! She dove into internet chat rooms and found that there are other kids in Poland who liked this weird obscure thing as much as she did (manga!). Oh joy! She dove in and created her first website at 12. Teaching herself html for fun and wanted to create a website and build a community of people who loved manga and wanted to read it translated in Polish. Kamila managed a group of volunteers who helped with the website (the editing of comics, translating, etc) and was able to get 40,000+ views in a few short months without the use of social media or ads (cause, ya know, there was no social media back then haha).

In 2009, Kamila started doing photography professionally as a freelancer which allowed her to explore creativity further. She took pictures at nearly every nightclub in downtown Chicago over the course of 5 years and have worked with close to 100 models. Most of her clients came through my use of social media and that’s when she really noticed the power that the Internet can have on business. Funny how the things you really end up using most, even about marketing, are NOT the things they teach you in school.

In 2012, She founded a health and wellness blog, Sensual Appeal Blog, as a personal journey into her own health. The website then evolved into a tiny profitable side business with several regular contributors and consistent brand partnerships. In 2015, she sold the blog on auction for thousands of dollars. 

She has her B.A. in in Psychology and Integrated Marketing Communications. She has worked in ad and marketing agencies working with clients BIG and SMALL before venturing out on her own to do my business full time in 2015.

She used to be a BIG party girl and still love to have fun, but at the same time, she is a total book-worm and like to nerd out on things she's passionate about. chill indie and electronic music, she can’t live without chocolate, and freedom!

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