E100 | A Culture to Power your Mission | Lee Caraher — JumbleThink

E100 | A Culture to Power your Mission | Lee Caraher


Lee Caraher is a entrepreneur and business leader.  Her curiosity into unseen issues has lead her to write two books about working in teams (specifically with Millennials).  Lee's unexpected journey into entrepreneurship will inspire you on your own journey into the unknown.  We also discuss branding, mission, technology, and the larger impact of culture in your organizaion.

Lee Caraher is the author of The boomerang Principle: Inspire Lifetime Loyalty from Your Employees is an entrepreneur and CEO with over 20 years experience building positive, high performing work teams that get a lot done well and have fun at the same time.  A highly sought after communications expert well-known for her business building acumen and insights, Lee is recognized for her practical solutions to big problems.  Lee is the founder and CEO of Double Forte, a 15-year old national public relations and digital media agency, headquartered in San Francisco, that works with beloved consumer, technology and wine brands.  She slits her time between San Francisco and New York.

Lee's first book, Millennials & Management: The Essential Guide to Making it Work at Work, was based on her experience recovering from failing miserably at retaining Millennials in Double Forte.  Lee wrote this positive and practical book to help leaders, managers and organizations, and create supportive intergenerational work teams for the future.  Her second book, The Boomerang Principle: Inspire Lifetime Loyalty from Your Employees is based on the successes her companies have had because they don't just allow, but encourage former employees to return.  With interviews from over 100 leaders, this pragmatic and actionable book helps companies of all sizes create high-performing positive cultures ready for the future.

She is a straight talker who doesn't hold too many punches, although she does her best to be pleasant about it.  Her big laugh and sense of humor have gotten her out of a lot of trouble.

Website: http://leecaraher.com/
Business Website: https://double-forte.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/leecaraher
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leecaraher/