The Kindness Diaries | Leon Logothetis — JumbleThink

The Kindness Diaries | Leon Logothetis

Leon Logothesis

Leon Logothetis chose to give up a life of comfort for a life of fulfillment.  This took him from being a stock broker in London to traveling the world through the kindness of strangers.  His journeys are documented in the Netflix series 'The Kindness Diaries'.  

In today's episode Leon and I also discuss The Kindness Diaries, living your best life, kindness, tv production, chasing your dreams, division versus unity, living in the unknown, finding fulfillment and purpose, and much more.

Leon Logothetis is a global adventurer, motivational speaker & philanthropist. It wasn’t always that way. He used to be a broker in the city of London where he felt uninspired and chronically depressed. He gave it all up for a life on the road. This radical life change was inspired by the inspirational movie The Motorcycle Diaries.

The days of living and working behind his ‘slab of wood’ (or desk to the layman) are well and truly over. His new passion: Finding ways for your inner rebel (that voice that tells you, you are worth so much more than you think) to come out and play.

The inner rebel tells you that your life is yours.  And anything you dream of is possible. Anything. And that the fuel for all this delicious potential is simple: Kindness and harnessing the power of human connection. And. Doing it all with a smile on your face and a spring in your step! 

Leon has visited more than 90 countries and traveled to every continent. He is the host of the TV series Amazing Adventures Of A Nobody, which is broadcast across the world by National Geographic International and, over the course of three seasons, sees Leon cross America, the United Kingdom and Europe on just 5 dollars, 5 pounds, and 5 euros a day, respectively.

Leon is no stranger to adventure. He teamed up with First Book® & drove a car from London to Mongolia raising money to buy 10,000 books for underprivileged children in America. He also drove a vintage London taxi across America, giving free cab rides to the needy and working with Classwish to bring hope back to the schools of America.

Leon has documented his travels for numerous media outlets including Good Morning America, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Outside, Good, Psychology Today, and The New York Times.

His show The Kindness Diaries is streaming on Netflix! His books, Amazing Adventures of a NobodyThe Kindness Diaries and Live, Love, Explore: Discover the Way of the Traveler a Roadmap to the Life You Were Meant to Live, published by Readers Digest, are in stores now.

Interview Segments - This is where you can find each section of the interview.
An Intro to Leon: 1:17 minutes
Going Deeper into the Topics: 9:22 minutes
Rapid Rire Questions: 31:03 minutes
