From Hollywood to Luthier with Mark Geiger — JumbleThink

From Hollywood to Luthier with Mark Geiger

Mark Geiger has spent years building things from Hollywood sets to custom guitars. He decided to leave his job at Paramount and start building guitars full time as a custom guitar maker (Luthier). Along the way he found a passion to teach others how to master the craft of guitar making too.

In today's episode we chat about:

  • Building a career as a Luthier

  • Working in Hollywood

  • Innovation and invention in the music industry

  • The importance of collaboration with your customers

  • Becoming a society that 'Builds Again'

  • Why problem solving is a skill you can use everywhere

Mark Geiger built his first guitar in 1975 in lieu of the Les Paul he couldn't afford. The outcome wasn't too bad and he got his first order from a local guitarist shortly after. He has been building electric and acoustic instruments ever since.  

After a long run as a foreman in set construction for Paramount Pictures, he decided to pursue lutherie as more than a hobby and set up shop. He couldn't think of a better job than building guitars. For him it has everything: It has to be engineered to withstand hundreds of pounds of pressure from the constant tension of strings and the rigors of playing. It has to be beautiful, not just in decoration, but in proportion and execution. Most important of all, it has to sound rich, vibrant, and possess the soul and personality of both its maker and its new owner.

Mark believes that no factory can accomplish what happens between the builder and the player. It is that marriage that creates something unique, and personal. Through both modern and old world construction methods, Mark is constantly striving to build instruments of exceptional playability and sound. 
