Empowering Women to Invest with Palak Shah — JumbleThink

Empowering Women to Invest with Palak Shah


Investing can be overwhelming, especially in the Real Estate market. It can be even more daunting when you are a woman and a male-dominated industry. Palak Shah faced these fears to create the lifestyle she wanted. While she loved her successful career as an engineer, her passion was to create a lifestyle that allowed her to be home more with her children. She took the risk and left the safety of her career to build her own path as an entrepreneur. Now she is teaching other women to take the same journey and how they can invest in their own entrepreneurial endeavors.

Open Spaces Capital

About Palak Shah
“Palak Shah is the founder and owner of Open Spaces Capital that generates close to $1M in revenue. An Engineer by trade, after the birth of her two kids she decided to make the move to entrepreneurship to be able to spend more time with her children. Though Palak has invested in real estate for many years, in her first 3 years investing full-time, she purchased, renovated, rented, and refinanced properties creating a $4M rental portfolio. It is now her passion to empower other women to pursue entrepreneurship through real estate investing to live an empowered and financially free life through Open Spaces Women.”