The Entrepreneur's Adventure with Phoebe Mroczek — JumbleThink

The Entrepreneur's Adventure with Phoebe Mroczek


We are trying something new we call 'Friends Friday' where we interview entrepreneurs that are good friends of our. Our first guest on Friends Friday is Phoebe Mroczek. Phoebe is a coach, personal branding expert, and podcaster. We met at New Media Summit in Austin Texas.

Phoebe has been on an entrepreneurial journey into the unknown. She didn't set out to be an entrepreneur but over the course of some major life decisions found that she connected with the freedom that entrepreneurship allowed. The freedom of creating, travel, adventure, exploration, and finding community. Along the way she has found herself by unbecoming everything she is not. In today's episode we discuss her story of entrepreneurship, travel, navigating the complex landscape of true community in a digitally connected world, marketing, and why she's so excited about podcasting.

Let today's episode challenge you to take your own adventure into the unknown and intentionally create the life of your dream.

Recommended Reading: Untethered Soul and Conversations with God

Phoebe's Links: Unbecoming PodcastInstagram

Today's episode is sponsored by Mighty Travels and

Phoebe Mroczek is a podcaster and marketing strategist who helps online entrepreneurs create a profitable business that is an honest reflection of who they are and what they want most.

She is the host of the Unbecoming Podcast, a show that helps entrepreneurs release judgments, beliefs and past conditioning holding listeners back from living a more meaningful life.

Over the past few years, she’s built an online marketing business that helped established entrepreneurs refine their paid ad and launch strategies, created a podcast she co-hosted with 900K+ downloads and organized various in-person events, masterminds and online communities.

Phoebe believes that while what we do in the world is important, we’re meant to do so much more in life than just work. As an curious explorer and recovering perfectionist, she’s traveled to 64 countries on 6 continents, been cage diving with great white sharks, camped in the Serengeti and motorbiked across Europe.

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