The Life of a FBI Spymaster with Robin Dreeke — JumbleThink

The Life of a FBI Spymaster with Robin Dreeke


Predicting the behavior of others is an urgent need for anyone whose work involves relationships with others, whether it’s leading an organization, collaborating with a teammate, or closing a sale. But predictability is not as simple as good and evil, or truth and fiction. It's one of the key tools that the FBI uses to build reliable sources that help protect the lives of millions of American's every day.

In today's episode, we sit down with retired FBI Special Agent and Chief of the Counterintelligence Behavioral Analysis Program, Robin Dreeke. He shares his stories of working with the FBI, turning assets into spies, working for the FBI in NYC during terrorist attacks on September 11th, and how building trust is the best resource for protecting the world around us. We dive deep into his new book 'SIZING PEOPLE UP' and how you can take the same tools the FBI uses and apply them to your own life.

Robin's Website

About Robin Dreeke
Robin is a best-selling author, professional speaker, trainer, facilitator, and retired FBI Special Agent and Chief of the Counterintelligence Behavioral Analysis Program. Robin has taken his life's work of recruiting spies and broken down the art of leadership, communication, and relationship building into Five Steps to TRUST and Six Signs of who you can TRUST. Since 2010, Robin has been working with large corporations as well as small companies in every aspect of their business. Whether it is newly promoted leaders, executives, sales teams, or customer relations, Robin has crafted his People Formula for quick results and maximum success.

The Military Leader: Although Robin always aspired to become a great leader, he realized from his time at the United States Naval Academy and in the United States Marine Corps that leadership was much more than just telling people what to do: a great leader uses interpersonal skills to inspire action, rather than demand the compliance of others.

The Spy Catcher: Upon entering service as an FBI Special Agent in 1997, Robin began his journey as a counterintelligence specialist and behaviorist in the agency's efforts to thwart the efforts of our country's greatest adversaries. Serving in New York City, Norfolk VA, FBI Headquarters, Quantico VA, and Fredericksburg VA, Robin received advanced training and experience in the area of social psychology and the practical application of the science behind relationship development and trust, ultimately leading the FBI's elite Behavioral Analysis Program.

The Behavioral Analysis Expert: Robin has built his highly effective tools for all aspects and stages of interpersonal communication and relationship development. Robin has combined all these tools and techniques and created a one-of-a-kind formula for success with people. Today, Robin is a recognized expert, author, and gifted lecturer in the art of interpersonal communication, relationship building and Trust. These skills are used every day in leadership, sales, human resources, and all aspects of life, both business and personal.