From Broke to Millionaire | Romacio Fulcher — JumbleThink

From Broke to Millionaire | Romacio Fulcher


Romacio Fulcher has overcome many obstacles to reach his dreams and went from broke to millionaire.  On his journey he found that serving humanity was the key to getting ahead.  He also found that finding the right mentor is critical in finding the roadmap ahead.  In the episode we discuss mentoring, how he went from broke to millionaire, MLM Marketing, finding the right timing, working hard, and much more.

Romacio Fulcher was a college dropout at the age of 19.  By the age of 25, he was a self-made millionaire in real estate.  That only took Romacio so far, he realized that although he had a steady income of $25K a month, living in California he was broke.  In the last 10 years, he has made millions of dollars in the network marketing industry.  

After launching his business in November and becoming the fastest US President Millionaire in just 3 weeks, Romacio Fulcher has done it again by becoming the fastest worldwide Double President Millionaire in just over 3 months, making him the #2 earner in North America and landing him with $140,000 per month as #136 on the Top Worldwide MLM earners list.

In his short time with the company, he has produced 1 President Millionaire, 1 Grand President, 2 Double Presidents, 3 Presidents, 5 Grand Diamonds, 4 Double Diamonds, and 20 Diamonds.  This is the most success his teams have seen in a short period and Romacio attributes it to the leadership, easy to use system, relevant product, timing, and lucrative compensation plan.  He is excited to continue to help his team break personal records and fulfill his VISION of creating 100 millionaires within 3 years.

Interview Segments - This is where you can find each section of the interview.

Intro / About Romacio: 4:22 minutes
Interview: 12:35 minutes
Rapid Rire Questions: 35:40 minutes
