Building Your Business Tribe with Ronan Leonard — JumbleThink

Building Your Business Tribe with Ronan Leonard

Do you ever feel like you are leading but no one is following? It’s time for you to find and build your tribe. Our society is starting to remember why tribe is so important. It can help you can use to to connect in deeper ways with your peers and lead at a new level.

In today’s episode Ronan Leonard shares on the importance of tribe for our business life. He also shares how a good mastermind group can help unlock your journey into finding your tribe.

In today's episode Ronan shares on:

  • Overcoming Disaster

  • If not you, then who?

  • Finding & creating your tribe

  • Why you need accountability

  • Why a mastermind?

  • Taking ownership and responsibility

  • Finding the context to content

  • How to leverage in your business

Ronan’s Recommended Reading
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

Ronan Leonard connects small business owners to support groups through the innovative concept of virtual Masterminds.

Without a co-founder or a business coach solopreneurs are often overwhelmed with to-do lists. They need impartial advice to get the right support to help them achieve clarity and better results.

Ronan believes we’ve lost our connection to a “tribe“ A community that will help you solve your problems and accelerate your learning. He believes that there is more value in making real peer-to-peer connections than paying external contractors who have no vested interest in your success.

Passionate about helping others he is committed to giving away 1 in 6 spots on the platform to social enterprises and entrepreneurs from developing countries to create a truly global community.

Ronan loves seeing the benefits that Mastermind groups have on each person who participates and has helped 100’s of business owners increase clarity, confidence and productivity by creating the support network for them to achieve their true potential.

9 Million YouTube Views!

Ronan was just 23 he helped rescue passengers and fellow staff when the cruise ship he worked on sank off the wild coast of South Africa. For 9 years he continued to work on cruise ships sailing the world as a casino manager. His 1st business (a casino party company) grew from just 2 casino tables to over 50 and the largest gaming events company in Australia.

Interview Segments - This is where you can find each section of the interview.
An Intro to Ronan: 1:11 minute
Going Deeper into the Topics: 17:01 minutes
Rapid Fire Questions: 50:22 minutes

Free Resource:
How to Create Your Why

