Redefining Virtual Work for Entrepreneurs | Sandra Lewis — JumbleThink

Redefining Virtual Work for Entrepreneurs | Sandra Lewis

Going from Solopreneur to a team can be overwhelming. Sandra Lewis spent years in the corporate world but wanted to create her own freedom. She started a remote staffing agency to help others as they grow their business and reclaim their lives. Now she is redefining how we think and work with virtual assistants. This is creating a new philosophy of work today and how we can grow our businesses.

In today's episode Sandra shares on:

  • Virtual Staffing

  • Growing your team

  • Finding the right staff for your company culture

  • Moving past solopreneur

  • Going from Employee to Entrepreneur

  • Creating work with purpose

Sandra’s Recommended Reading
Raising the Bar by Gary Erickson

Sandra Lewis is the Founder and CEO of Worldwide101, a premium subscription staffing company connecting demanding founders and executives with ridiculously talented remote staff.

Sandra believes flexible, remote work is the way of the future and that it creates an unparalleled win-win for businesses and talent alike.

Sandra has worked with hundreds of the world's top CEOs, Founders and Executives to help them win-back their time by grow their businesses by delegating key tasks to ridiculously talented remote staff. The unique model of Worldwide101 has been recognized by some of the most respected publications across the country including Forbes and Inc. magazines, as well as being named one of the "Best Entrepreneurial Companies in America" By Entrepreneur Magazine.

Setting an example of the efficiencies gained working virtually, Sandra manages her entire team on a virtual basis.

Interview Segments - This is where you can find each section of the interview.
An Intro to Sandra: 1:38 minute
Going Deeper into the Topics: 19:07 minutes
Rapid Fire Questions: 46:36 minutes
