The end of a season with Michael Woodward — JumbleThink

The end of a season with Michael Woodward


Season Two of the jumbleThink podcast has been filled with amazing guests, topics, and stories. In today's episode I share excited news about season three (starting on Tuesday February 4th), look back on some of our favorite guest episodes from Season Two, and share a little about two of our best topics.

So what's happening in Season Three? We are excited to share that we are having some incredible new guests. We are also brining you into the story by asking our guests your questions, sharing your stories, and brining you new live events! We are also going deeper into the topics to help you chase those dreams and ideas in your lives.

We also look back at a few of our favorite episodes from people like Cary Burkett, Walter O'Brien, Eric Reed, and Phil Rosenthal. Later in the episode we discuss the topics of Created Purpose and The Dreamer's Guide to Micro-Experiments.

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