Creating Super Fans with Viv Conway and Tash Meys — JumbleThink

Creating Super Fans with Viv Conway and Tash Meys

What does it take to create your own super fans? Viv Conway and Tash Meys found their super fans by Acing the Gram...Instagram. Not only have they built their own following on Instagram but they now help others connect with their super fans too. They have taken their side hustle and made it into a leading Instagram Marketing Company, Ace The Gram.

In today's episode we chat about:

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Instagram

  • Building Influencer Campaigns

  • Turning a side hustle into a full-time business.

  • Social media marketing

  • Building an audience on social media

  • The Millennial Generation

  • Getting business leads through Instagram

Recommended Reading

Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins
The Big Leap
You Were Born Rich

Two millennials on a mission to help everyone reap the infinite benefits of nailing Instagram... that’s Viv Conway and Tash Meys. 

Viv and Tash have cracked the code of influencer marketing through social media, becoming powerful voices on Instagram through their side hustle.

Viv and Tash focus on all things Instagram, including influencer marketing, giveaways and how to use Instagram to drive traffic to your website/product. The pair have over 200k net followers on their personal Instagram's and have worked with clients from 70 followers to 1.9 million followers across Australia, the USA, and New Zealand.

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