Faith and The NFL with Sam Acho — JumbleThink

Faith and The NFL with Sam Acho


Many people would expect an NFL Player's passion to be fulfilled in football. Playing, watching, and talking about the game. But just like any other job, it's often not the driving factor for a player. But along the way, it's easy to forget who you are and what you stand for. Ultimately wearing a 'mask' and playing the part you think others expect from you.

Sam Acho faced these fears and the pressure to perform the expected way. While at the peak as a professional football player, he struggled to let others see the true person he was. Not only did this impact him, but it also impacted those around him. As he finishes his football career, he now addresses the lessons he has learned along the way in his new book 'Let the World See You'

In the book, Sam helps you break free from society’s perceived limits and embrace the freedom of living as the genuine you. By sharing lessons and interactions with others throughout his life, Acho reveals how you can overcome your fears and discover the freedom of living as the genuine you.

Throughout the conversation Sam shares stories on how football and faith have impacted his life. And while football was his career, it was his faith that helped him find himself and filled him with the passion and purpose that fulfills everyday life.

Sam is an NFL player, writer, public speaker, and humanitarian. A linebacker for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, he speaks widely at colleges, events, conferences, and churches, and also co-hosted the podcast, Relevant Is Doing a Sports Podcast. The founder and president of Athletes for Justice, he is a vice president of the NFL players association and a graduate of the University of Texas and the Thunderbird School of Global Management.
