football — PODCAST | JumbleThink


Faith and The NFL with Sam Acho

Many people would expect an NFL Player's passion to be fulfilled in football. Playing, watching, and talking about the game. But just like any other job, it's often not the driving factor for a player. But along the way, it's easy to forget who you are and what you stand for. Ultimately wearing a 'mask' and playing the part you think others expect from you.

The Life of a Professional Women's Football Player with Adrienne Smith

When you think of women's sports you might think of soccer, figure skating, basketball, track and field, or gymnastics. But when was the last time you thought about professional women's football? If you are like me, most likely never. But there is a growing movement of women playing elite football. Arienne is one of the women but her journey is so much deeper. She's bringing together sports, education, and entertainment to create something special. As a football player, she has won multiple national championships. As an entertainer, she has acted in shows like 'Orange Is the New Black.' And in education, she has used her entrepreneurial skills to launch 'Blitz Champs.'